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(U) PPD Presents Marketing Spotlight: Merkley and Partners


Presenter: Peter Ganghi, Assistant Account Executive Peter is a GSB 2020 graduate and will discuss current marketing strategies for the Mercedes Benz - USA account. Join Zoom Meeting https://fordham.zoom.us/j/89134678786?pwd=dGhqWnorV2FsRFUwUGxIQ0c1cmNEQT09 Meeting ID: 891 3467 8786 Passcode: 985929

(ALL) Centennial Speaker Series: Kevin R. Mirabile on Exotic Alternative Investments


Join us for a discussion with Kevin R. Mirabile, author of Exotic Alternative Investments: Standalone Characteristics, Unique Risks and Portfolio Effects (Anthem Press, 2021). In the book, Mirabile evaluates exotic alternative investment opportunities, such as life settlements, litigation funding, farmlands, …

(ALL) PPD LC Career Spotlight: Career Paths in Brand Management


Are you interested in learning more about working in Brand Management?  Please join alumni industry representatives from various firms at the "Career Paths in Brand Management" CareerSpotlight panel discussion on Friday, February 26. This is the inaugural installment of the Career Spotlight …

(ALL) Consumer Financial Well-Being Speaker – Hooman Estelami


"The Role of Social Media Use in American Consumers' Financial Decisions: Exploring the Impact of Financial Literacy, Need for Cognition, Political Orientation, and Consumer Demographics" Consumer reliance on social media has been steadily increasing over the past decade. Social media …

(U) PPD Presents Interview Prep for Virtual Interviews


Spring interviewing, including Big 4, is coming up! A step-by-step strategy to preparing for virtual interviews.  Learn what questions are commonly asked and how to answer them most effectively in a virtual setting.  Learn other interview tips that will help you ace the interview! Join Zoom Meeting: https://fordham.zoom.us/j/2616171894 

(G) Careers in Sustainability


ESG is rapidly becoming one of the most important factors of the business world. This panel will be discussing how ESG has impacted their specific industry and what changes they have seen and are continuing to transform all facets of …

(G) Fordham Quantitative Finance Society Welcome and First Workshop


An introduction to Fordham Quantitative Finance Society, workshops and events planned for the semester and a mini-workshop on an introduction to using flask with python. Please use the Zoom link provided: https://fordham.zoom.us/j/83476866911

(G) FAcTS Spring 2021 Welcome Event


On Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:30PM, FAcTS will be hosting its Welcome event of Spring 2021. Please join us for a panel composed of three recent Gabelli graduates who will be speaking about their experience transitioning from students to professionals. …

(G) Diversity in Marketing


A panel to explore and discuss diversity/gender equality issues in the advertising and marketing industries while also educating Fordham students on ethical marketing practices towards diverse groups. The focus will be on visible marketing leaders working in these fields, historical …

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